
How Artificial Intelligence will affect you?

 How Artificial Intelligence will affect you? Artificial intelligence is the simulation of human intelligence processed by machines, especially computer systems. Specific applications of ‘AI’ include expert systems, natural language processing, speech recognition, and machine vision. Artificial intelligence is intelligence demonstrated by machines, as opposed to the natural intelligence displayed by animals including humans. Stanford’s  John McCarthy , a seminal figure of artificial intelligence, dies at 84. McCarthy created the term “artificial intelligence” and was a towering figure in computer science at Stanford. Artificial intelligence is widely used to  provide personalized recommendations to people, based for example on their previous searches and purchases or other online behavior . AI is hugely important in commerce: optimizing products, planning inventory, logistics, etc. Read Full Story Here :  

21 Tiny Stories for Those Who Have Lost Their Motivation

This morning I didn’t feel like doing anything.  It’s a combination of exhaustion from a few days of hard work. I couldn’t motivate myself to do anything important, which is a rare occurrence for me.  I just felt completely drained.  I started overthinking things and doubting myself, and wondering whether anything I do is worthwhile. I sat there in this funk for nearly an hour and wondered how to snap out of it.  Should I just forget about today?  Should I just give up on this project in front of me, because I’m not as good at it as I thought I was? “I feel so drained, so uninspired.  I’m stuck again!  My mind is spinning with worry and overwhelm and just a general lack of enthusiasm.  Anything you could share?  What’s something small I could reflect on and try to remember when I’ve lost my motivation?” While there are many approaches to momentary self-motivation, reflecting on and learning from other people’s stories is paramount.  The right story at the right time can m

9 Scientific Ways Increase Your Brain Power


Combat your Diabetes

30 Snack Ideas for Type 2 Diabetes

Eating Leafy Greens Daily May Help Keep Minds Sharp

To age well, we must eat well — there's been a lot of evidence that heart-healthy diets help protect the brain. Eating Leafy Greens Daily May Help Keep Minds Sharp The latest good news: A study recently  published  in  Neurology  finds that healthy seniors who had daily helpings of leafy green vegetables — such as spinach, kale, and collard greens — had a slower rate of cognitive decline, compared to those who tended to eat little or no greens. "The association is quite strong," says study author  Martha Clare Morris , a professor of nutrition science at Rush Medical College in Chicago. She also directs the Rush Institute for Healthy Aging. The research included 960 participants of the  Memory and Aging Project . Their average age is 81, and none of them have dementia. Each year the participants undergo a battery of tests to assess their memory. Scientists also keep tracking their eating habits and lifestyle habits. To analyze the relationship between

Yoga for Increasing Vitality & Nurturing the Nervous System

Yoga for Increasing Vitality & Nurturing the Nervous System Increasing vitality  &  Nurturing Nervous System Left unchecked, toxins build up in the body, leading to lethargy. Many yoga postures massage the internal organs that are involved in the elimination of waste products. This helps flush out toxins, thereby increasing vital nourishment to the organs and making your body function far more efficiently. Practicing yoga can help the nervous system release blocked energy channels and activate healing. Postures that twist or bend the neck are particularly effective for putting the body into a restorative, healing mode. This state is also activated through the relaxation brought about by yogic breathing techniques.

Joomla 3.x Essential Training

Learn Joomla , Worlds strongest CMS ( Content Management System ) has jillions of options to build & manage any type of Website. Learn Joomla Joomla ! is the mobile-ready and user-friendly way to build your website. Choose from thousands of features and designs. Learn today how you can build websites with Joomla . This Joomla training Video series contains 54 video tutorials on how to build websites on Joomla & costs ₹500 only, You can pay by clicking on the below PayuMoney Verified Button. Contact me: +91 9090062904 E-Mail:

Facebook Cash Formula

Facebook Cash Formula: Developing an Internet marketing plan that will rake in the cash is a step-by-step process that you have to work towards. Making this plan work is going to take time, and you have to follow the right steps in order to make the most of your business. Highly targeted traffic on the Facebook website can keep your cost-per-click low and can maximize your profits for the long haul. Earning cash through Facebook isn’t as complicated as it sounds, and there are plenty of businesses already raking in the extra cash by using this method. It’s still fairly fresh though, and not a lot of people know about these secrets for maximizing profits and making money with Facebook .  In this Super Tutorial, I'll provide you: 1. FB Cash Formula PDF 2. FB Cash Formula Videos 3. FB Cash Formula Cheatsheet And it only Cost you ₹750. You can Pay through PayUmoney By clicking the below Authenticated PayUmoney Button↓ You can Contact me By Phone  +91